

원종찬 元鍾讚 Won, Jong-chan


1959년생. 어린이문학평론가. 인하대학교 한국어문학과 교수. 인하대학교 국어국문학과와 동대학원을 졸업했다. 한겨레 아동문학작가학교에서 강의를 하며, (사)어린이도서연구회 자문위원, 겨레아동문학연구회 회원으로 활동하고 있다. 평론집 『아동문학과 비평정신』 『동화와 어린이』 『한국아동문학의 쟁점』, 그리고 일제시대의 작가, 시인, 비평을 연구한 『한국 근대문학의 재조명』을 냈다. 현덕 동화집 『너하고 안 놀아』, 현덕 소설집『나비를 잡는 아버지』, 『현덕전집』 과 윤복진 동시집 『꽃초롱 별초롱』, ‘겨레아동문학선집’ 등을 엮었다. 계간 『창비어린이』 기획위원.


Born in 1959, Won Jong-chan studied Korean literature (BA and MA) at Inha University. A professor at his alma mater and a critic of children’s literature, he also lectures at Hankyoreh Juvenile Literature Writers’ School and serves as an advisory board member for the Children’s Book Society, a member of the Gyure Children’s Literature Society, and the chair of the editorial board of the monthly Changbi Children. His works include: literary criticism collections Juvenile Literature and the Critical Spirit (published by Changbi) and Fairy Tales and Children (published by Changbi); literary research A Reexamination of Modern Korean Literature, which explores Korean writers and criticism during the Japanese colonial era (1910-1945); children’s story collections I’m Not Playing with You (editorship; published by Changbi), a collection of Hyun Duk’s short stories Father Who Catches Butterflies (editorship;), Complete Works of Hyun Duk (editorship), collection of Yun Bokjin’s poems for children Flower-Twinkle Star-Twinkle (editorship), Gyure Children’s Literature Anthology (editorship), and The Life and Literature of Kwon Jeongsaeng (editorship; published by Changbi).

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