1964년 함평 출생. 한양대학교 국문학과 졸업. 1994년 『창작과비평』에 소설을 발표하며 등단하였고, 장편소설 『그리운 시냇가』, 에세이 『들꽃의 살아가는 힘을 믿는다』, 동화 『딸꼬마이』 『겁쟁이』 『하늘로 날아간 집오리』(창비 1997) 『풀꽃과 친구가 되었어요』(창비 1998) 『똥이 어디로 갔을까』(창비 2000) 『아름다운 수탉』(창비 2001), 그림책 『잘 가, 토끼야』(창비 2003) 『황금박쥐 형제의 모험 1‧2』(창비 2003) 등의 책을 냈다. 2003년『애벌레가 애벌레를 먹어요』로 제24회 한국어린이도서상을 받았다.
Born in 1964 in Hampyeong, South Jeolla Province, Lee Sang-kwon studied Korean literature (BA) at Hanyang University. He made his debut as a writer with the publication of his short story in The Quarterly Changbi in 1994. He has authored: stories for children including the bestseller Where Did My Poo Go? (published by Changbi), The Barnyard Duck That Flew away to the Sky (published by Changbi), I’ve Become Friends with Plants (published by Changbi), The Beautiful Rooster (published by Changbi), No More Girls, and The Scaredy Cat; picture books Bye-bye, Bunny (published by Changbi) and The Adventures of the Golden Bat Brothers, vols. 1-2 (published by Changbi); environmentalist essay collection I Believe in the Power of Wild Flowers to Live; and The Creek That I Miss, a novel. He won the 24th Korea Children’s Book Award in 2003 for his Larvae Eat Larvae. Currently, he is working on a story for children that features nature as a friend, a theme that has interested him since childhood.