1911~1981.15세 때 동요「고향의 봄」이『어린이』잡지에 당선되어 작가 활동 시작. 한국아동문학가협회 창립, 초대 회장 역임. "대한민국문화예술상" "대한민국문학상" "대한민국예술원상" "대한민국문화훈장 금관장"을 받음. 저서로 동시집 『종달새』『너를 부른다』(창비 1979) 등과 동화집『꼬마 옥이』(창비 1977) 『해와 같이 달과 같이』(창비 1979) 『숲속 나라』『5월의 노래』(창비 2002) 등이 있음.
A representative author who helped to establish the foundation of juvenile literature in Korea, Lee Won-soo(1911~1981) made his literary debut at the age of fifteen with his poem for children titled “Spring in My Home Village” (which later was turned into a song and is as familiar as the national anthem to all Koreans) and left countless outstanding stories and poems for young readers.