1972년 서울에서 태어나 서울예대 문예창작과와 한양대 국문과 대학원을 졸업했다. 2000년 서울신문 신춘문예로 등단했다. 장편소설 『재와 빨강』『서쪽 숲에 갔다』, 소설집 『아오이가든』『사육장 쪽으로』『저녁의 구애』가 있다. 한국일보문학상, 이효석문학상, 오늘의 젊은예술가상, 동인문학상 등을 수상했다.
Born in 1972 in Seoul, Pyeon Hyeyeong studied creative writing (BFA) at the Seoul Institute of the Arts and Korean literature (MA) at Hanyang University. She made her literary debut with the selection of her short story “Shaking off Dews” in the annual spring literary contest sponsored by the daily Seoul Shinmun in 2000. Since then, she has authored short story collections including Aoi Garden and Toward the Breeding Farm. She has received awards including the Yi Hyo-seok Literary Award and the Hankook Ilbo Literary Award.