1933년 마산 출생. 고려대학교 사학과와 동대학원 졸업. 문학박사. 고려대 한국사학과 교수 역임. 현 상지대 총장, 계간 『창작과비평』 편집자문위원. 저서로 『조선후기 상업자본의 발달』 『분단시대의 역사인식』 『한국민족운동사론』『조선시대 상공업사 연구』『일제시대 빈민생활사 연구』『통일운동시대의 역사인식』 『조선민족혁명당과 통일전선』 『고쳐 쓴 한국근대사』 『고쳐 쓴 한국현대사』『역사는 이상의 현실화 과정이다』 등과 편저 『한국사회주의운동인명사전』(공편) 및 다수의 논문이 있음.
Born in 1933 in Masan, South Gyeongsang Province, Kang Man-gil studied Korean history (BA and MA) at Korea University. Formerly a professor at Korea University, he is currently the director of the Cheongmyeong Cultural Foundation and the president of Sangji University. He has authored The Development of Commercial Capital during the Late Joseon Dynasty, Historical Consciousness in an Age of National Division, A Treatise on the History of Nationalistic Movement in Korea, A Study of the History of Commerce and Industry during the Joseon Dynasty, A Study of the Daily Lives of the Indigent during the Japanese Colonial Era, Historical Consciousness in an Age of Reunification Movement, The Korean National Revolutionary Party and the Reunification Front, A Revised History of Modern Korea, A Revised History of Contemporary Korea, and The History of Korea in the 20th Century and co-edited A Dictionary of Socialist Activists in Korea.