1941년 전남 곡성 태안사에서 태어나 경희대 국문과와 동대학원을 졸업했다. 1964년 경향신문 신춘문예에 시 「아침 선박」이 당선되어 작품활동을 시작한 이래 힘찬 목소리로 어두운 시대에 맞서는 자유정신을 노래했고 고향상실의 체험을 빼어나게 형상화했다. 민족문학작가회의 부이사장·광주대 문예창작과 교수 등을 역임하고 1999년 타계했다. 편운문학상 성옥문화상 만해문학상 등을 수상했다. 시집으로 『아침 선박』 『식칼론』 『국토』 『가거도』 『자유가 시인더러』 『산속에서 꽃속에서』 『풀꽃은 꺾이지 않는다』 『혼자 타오르고 있었네』가 있고, 『고여 있는 시와 움직이는 시』 『알기 쉬운 시창작 강의』 등의 시론집·이론서가 있다.
Born in 1941 in Gokseong, South Jeolla Province, Cho Tae-il studied Korean literature (BA and MA) at Kyung Hee University. He made his literary debut with the selection of his poem “Morning Ships” in the annual spring literary contest sponsored by the daily Kyunghyang Shinmoon in 1964. Subsequently, he vigorously sang of the spirit of freedom against a dark era and masterfully represented the traumatic experience of having to leave home villages. After serving as the vice president of the Writers Association of Korea and a professor at Gwangju University, he passed away in 1999. The recipient of awards including the Pyonun Literary Award, Sungok Cultural Award, and Manhae Prize for Literature, he authored works including: poetry collections I Became a Song (published by Changbi), The Country (published by Changbi), Gageo Island (published by Changbi), Freedom to Poets (published by Changbi), Among Mountains, Among Flowers (published by Changbi), Flowering Plants Cannot Be Broken (published by Changbi), Was Ablaze Alone (published by Changbi), Morning Ships, and A Theory on Kitchen Knives; and theoretical and critical works Standing Poetry and Moving Poetry and Easy Poetry Composition Lectures.