창작과 비평

[Feature] Gender Differences in Inequality Awareness: Negation and Recognition of the Reality of Gender Discrimination / Kwon Kim Hyun-young

The Quarterly Changbi 185, Autumn 2019



While examining how gender differences in the sensibility of inequality and a societal shift toward hatred politics have been intensifying since the Asian financial crisis, feminist scholar and activist Kwon Kim Hyun-young analyzes the emergence of post-feminism and a new generation of women who are somewhat reactive and affective, and who perceive feminism with a sense of time “after.” She discusses how misogyny and anti-feminism have been worsening in an internet-driven, macho culture, since the unjust system that gave more points on entrance exams for government jobs to men who had fulfilled their mandatory military duty was ruled unconstitutional. Kwon Kim emphasizes that we need to critically confront gender discrimination, the framework of gender conflict, and the effect of hatred that still clearly exists, despite a reality in which feminism is more popularized.