창작과 비평

[Article] Ancient New Roads: On Reading “Seeking Donghak Again in Order To Ask Guidance in Our Way Forward” / Jung Ji-Chang

The Quarterly Changbi 194, Winter 2021



Literary critic Jung Ji-Chang’s article offers not only his reflections on the last issue’s special colloquy, “Seeking Donghak Again in Order To Ask Guidance in Our Way Forward,” but also his personal experiences of and perspectives on Donghak, to the study of which he has devoted himself for a long time. Referring to the three participants in the colloquy—Kim Young-Oak, Park Maeng-soo, and Paik Nak-chung—the “Gaebyeok School” thinkers, he appreciates the significance of the colloquy for its discussions of the modern period and modernity, as well as the current of gaebyeok that has been continuing from Donghak to the Candlelight Revolution. Further, by introducing literary works to be discussed in the context of Donghak thought, he offers another impetus for the study of Donghak.