창작과 비평

[Dialogue] Inequality: Defining the Problem and Responding To It / Kim Sora, Lee Nam Ju, Ju Biung-Ghi, Chun Hyunwoo

The Quarterly Changbi 194, Winter 2021



The third topic in the series of featured dialogues, in which we think hard about the tasks for the great transformation of Korean society ahead of the 2022 presidential election, is inequality. Although most citizens consider inequality to be a hot issue, their approaches and perspectives toward it vary—and the paths toward a solution are not easy to find. In the current issue’s dialogue, moderated by political scientist Lee Nam Ju, the participants –gender scholar Kim Sora, economist Ju Biung-Ghi, and labor columnist Chun Hyunwoo—present their views of the present state of and problems with inequality, evaluating the current administration’s efforts and discussing various tasks for the next administration. In particular, Chun Hyunwoo sharply criticizes the fact that there hasn’t been any change “except for the minimum wage,” based on his own vivid experiences at in the labor scene, and warns against the possibility that this inequality could become permanent. He resolutely urges that the government and media play a role to improve this situation, in which “the society does not recognize [subcontract laborers] unless they die.”