창작과 비평

[Article] In the Shadow of K-Epidemic Prevention: Intervening in the Intervention / Cho Hyung Keun

The Quarterly Changbi 197, Autumn 2022



By examining the darker side of Korean epidemic prevention, sociologist Cho Hyung Keun reveals contradictions in our society. It is noteworthy that the essential factor in the success in epidemic prevention in Korea is the attitude of voluntary cooperation and consideration of others—that is, democratic citizenship. However, Cho Hyung Keun goes a step further in this article and asks if the affect of accusation and resentment might not be hidden in this attitude of trying not to cause harm to others. Along these lines, he examines matters not sufficiently considered in the narratives of the success of Korean epidemic prevention, such as a mainstream outcry against labor strikes and other social protests during the pandemic and the cases of neglect in the death of the homeless. His examination exposes elements of hate and secretive aspirations for authoritarianism latent in our society and poses serious questions.