창작과 비평

[Articles] The Geopolitical Economics of China's 'One Belt, One Road' Initiative / Hsu Jinn-yuh


The Quarterly Changbi 173, Autumn 2016



The article by Hsu Jinn-yuh is based on the presentation delivered in 'The Conference of Critical Journals in East Asia', one of the commemorative events of Changbi's 50th anniversary. At the conference, Hsu Jinn-yuh drew both sympathy and criticism from the panel, by asserting that China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative would provide a paradigm "embracing globalization" replacing the hegemonic foreign policies of the US. His article provides a starting point for understanding the "One Belt, One Road" initiative which has great ramifications on the peace and great change coming to the Korean Peninsula. At the same time, it would give a lot of suggestions, if compared with David Harvey's above-mentioned article, also insightful but quite contrasting in content.