창작과 비평

[Feature] The Open Road of Literature: The World Out of Joint, the Subjects, and Literature / Han Ki-wook


The Quarterly Changbi 171, Spring 2016



Han Ki-wook, the new editor-in-chief of Changbi, emphasizes that both creative writing and the revelation of truth could be made possible only by taking the open road of literature, and then addresses the problem of revolutionary subjects to set our out of joint world right. Also, his argument on the recent literary discussions leading to that of "atopos" of literature suggests that the recent Korean literature, just as some poems of Paik Moo-san and short stories of Kim Geum-hee demonstrate, gives us penetrating insights into the mechanism of the capitalist system, proving itself to be the living spot of literary "atopos". He stresses the importance of the literary and social praxis of every single person in revealing the truth of 'this world', appreciating the nature of 'the next world', and, after all, imagining 'the other world'.