창작과 비평

[Feature] What Kind of Inter-Korean Association?: Korean Peninsula During the Candlelight-Revolution Era / Paik Nak-chung

The Quarterly Changbi 181, Autumn 2018



In this lead article in the current issue’s “Feature” section, Paik Nak-chung tackles the question “What kind of inter-Korean association should we build?” After pointing out that “a lower-level inter-Korean association” is already underway, he argues that it is difficult to achieve denuclearization without an advance in inter-Korean association, just as we need denuclearization for the establishment of this association. In addition, he criticizes current arguments for two-state peaceful co-existence that precludes reunification or the establishment of peacefully co-existing normal states as not only hollow but also disrespectful to Korean citizens’ desire for change. At the same time, he persuasively argues that even if South and North Korea became two normal independent states, based on an agreement on a permanent division, it would not create a desirable future.