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- [An Sonjae] Ko Un in the English-Speaking World
- [Paik Nak-chung] Say Yes to Change in the Korean Peninsula Too
- [Paik Nak-chung] Korea’s Division System and Its Regional Implications
- Toward Peace and Security in Northeast Asia
- [Norma Field] Commercial Appetite and Human Need: The Accidental and Fated Revival of Kobayashi Takiji's Cannery Ship
- [Bruce Cumings and Paik Nak-chung] Korea and East Asia Amidst Global Economic Crisis
- [Paik Nak-chung] A Singular Modernity, Plural Postmodernisms, and a Double Project
- [Paik Nak-chung] Toward a New Encounter
- [Paik Nak-chung] Twenty Years After June 1987: Where Are We Now, and Where Do We Go from Here?
- [Paik Nak-chung] Special News, Dateline Korea: Unification Korean-Style in Progress