1964년 충남 홍성에서 태어났다. 1989년 『대전일보』 신춘문예와 1993년 『동아일보』 신춘문예에 시가 당선되어 작품 활동을 시작했다. 시집 『의자』 『정말』 『어머니학교』 『아버지학교』 들과 동시집 『콧구멍만 바쁘다』『저 많이 컸죠』, 동화 『십 원짜리 똥탑』, 산문집 『시인의 서랍』 들을 펴냈다. 윤동주문학대상, 김수영문학상, 김달진문학상 등을 받았다.
Born in 1964 in Hongseong, South Chungcheong Province, Lee Jeonglock studied classical Chinese education (B Ed) at the former Kongju Provincial Teachers College and creative writing (MFA) at Korea University. He made his literary debut with the selection of his poetry in the annual spring literary contest sponsored by the daily Daejeon Ilbo in 1989 and the daily Dong-A Ilbo in 1993, respectively. He has works including: poetry collections Really (published by Changbi), Wrinkles on Green Apples, Bugs’ Homes Are Cozy, I Want to Be a Renter on Willow Bark, Violet Inn, and The Chair; and children’s story books A Killifish from Ghost-town and A Pooh Tower Worth a Penny. He has received the Kim Su-young Literary Award and the Kim Daljin Literary Award.