1960년 충남 보령 출생. 경희대 국문학과 졸업. 1982년 『세계의 문학』에 중편소설 「우리들의 떨켜」를 발표하며 등단. 1995년 장편 『길 위의 집』으로 오늘의 작가상, 1998년 한국일보문학상 수상. 단편 「고갯마루」로 2002년 제47회 현대문학상 수상. 소설집 『그 집 앞』 『꽃 그늘 아래』 등이 있음.
Born in 1960 in Boryeong, South Chungcheong Province, Lee Hye-kyong studied Korean literature (BA) at Kyung Hee University. After teaching at a high school for two years, she made her literary debut with the publication of her novella “Our Abscission Layer” in the quarterly Segye-ui Munhak (World Literature) in 1982. Since then, Lee has received the Today’s Writer Award for her novel A House on the Road in 1995, 31st Hankook Ilbo Literary Prize for her novella “In Front of That House” in 1998, 47th Contemporary Literature Prize for her short story “The Top of the Hill” and 3rd Yi Hyo-seok Literary Award for her short story “Beneath a Shade of Flowers” in 2002, the German LiBeraturpreis for A House on the Road in 2004, and 13th Isu Literary Award for her short story “Between Us and Them” in 2006. Her works include short story collections Beneath a Shade of Flowers (published by Changbi) and In Front of That House, and novel A House on the Road (published by Changbi). After serving as a volunteer worker in Indonesia for two years, Lee continues to write about the dark underside of modern society.