창작과 비평

[Special On the Scene] Questions Gaza Asks / Alberto Toscano, Frédéric Lordon, Han Ki-wook

The Quarterly Changbi 204, Summer 2024



Under the title “Questions Gaza Asks,” On the Scene in this issue is planned as a special corner, composed of two translated foreign articles addressing the Israeli invasion of Palestine and a commentary by Han Ki-wook, the Quarterly Changbi’s Editorial Advisor and a literary critic, who translated them. A place that has become a focal point of the entire world, Palestine is well known as a land of prolonged suffering and desperate resistance; yet because of this general knowledge, there has also been a tendency to neglect its concrete situation. We believe that this special corner will offer our readers an excellent opportunity to understand what transformation of thought is proposed to solve the Palestine question, as one of the most difficult tasks of our time, and why this critical question tests Western civilization’s qualification as a civilization.