창작과 비평

[Dialogue] The Constitutional Amendment: What Should Be Done / Kwon Kim Hyun-young, Paik Seung-hun, Lee In-young, Chung Doo-un

The Quarterly Changbi 179, Spring 2018



The key point of the Dialogue is the constitutional amendment, the demand for which was raised during the Candlelight Revolution, and yet has not gained momentum on the way to productive discussion. The four participants, Kwon Kim Hyun-young, Paik Seung-hun, Lee In-young, and Chung Doo-un, agree on the necessity to make Constitutional Amendment, since this will be the first constitutional amendment in 31 years, and pay attention to the people's demand for full realization of the principle of popular sovereignty through the reinforcement of basic rights and democratic values. At the same time, they set forth their views, ranging from the necessity and feasibility of the constitutional amendment to its detailed contents.