1959년 출생하여 서울대 사범대를 졸업하고 서울대 사회학과 대학원에서 석사와 박사학위를 받았다. 1986년 이후 망원한국사연구실, 한국산업사회학회, 역사문제연구소 등 학술단체에서 활동하였으며, 1994년 '참여연대' 창립과 2000년 '한국전쟁전후민간인학살진상규명위원회' 창립에 참가하였다. 미국 UCLA대학에서 박사후연수를 마치고, 현재 성공회대 사회과학부 및 NGO학과에 교수로 재직하고 있다. 『경제와 사회』 편집장과 『역사비평』 편집위원을 역임하였고, 2004년 한겨레신문 선정 '한국의 미래를 열어갈 100인'으로 추천되었다.
주요 저서로 『1960년대의 사회운동』(공저) 『한국사회 노동자연구』 『한국 사회과학의 새로운 모색』『근대의 그늘』『전쟁과 사회』 『미국의 엔진, 전쟁과 시장』등이 있다. 이 가운데 『한국 사회과학의 새로운 모색』 및 『전쟁과 사회』는 시사저널이 선정한 그해의 '올해의 책'으로 추천되었고, 『전쟁과 사회』는 2005년 프랑크푸르트 국제도서전에 출품할 '한국의 책 100권'에 선정되어 영문으로 번역되었으며, 『근대의 그늘』은 일본에서 출간될 예정이다.
Born in 1959 in Yeongju, North Gyeongsang Province, Kim Dong-chun studied social studies education (B Ed) and sociology (MA and Ph D) at Seoul National University. Since 1986, he has an active member of academic organizations including the Institute of Historical Studies, Korean Association of Industrial Sociologists, and Institute for Korean Historical Studies. In addition, he participated in the establishment of the People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy in 1994 and the Truth Commission on the Genocide of Civilians before, during, and after the Korean War in 2000. After post-doctoral research at UCLA, he has served as a professor at SungKongHoe University. The former editor of the academic journal Economy and Society (Gyeongje-wa Sahoe) and a former member of the editorial board for the academic quarterly Historical Criticism (Yeoksa Bipyeong), he was included in the “!00 Leaders of Korea in the Future” selected by the daily Hankyoreh in 2004. His major works include Social Movement in the 1960’s (co-authorship), A Study of Laborers in Korean Society, Korean Social Sciences’ New Search(published by Changbi), The Shadows of Modernity, and War and Society: What Was the Korean War to Us? From among them, Korean Social Sciences’ New Search and War and Society: What Was the Korean War to Us? were included in “Books of the Year” list created by the weekly newsmagazine; War and Society: What Was the Korean War to Us? was included in the “100 Books of Korea” to be exhibited at the 2005 Frankfurt International Book Fair and was translated into English; and a translation of The Shadows of Modernity will be published in Japan.