

김연수 金衍洙 Kim, Yeon-su

1970년 경북 김천에서 태어나 성균관대 영문과를 졸업했다. 1993년 『작가세계』에 시로 데뷔하고, 이듬해 『작가세계』 신인문학상에 장편소설 『가면을 가리키며 걷기』가 당선되면서 소설을 쓰기 시작했다. 소설집 『스무 살』 『내가 아직 아이였을 때』 『나는 유령작가입니다』『세계의 끝 여자친구』, 장편소설 『7번 국도』 『꾿빠이, 이상』 『사랑이라니, 선영아』 『네가 누구든 얼마나 외롭든』 『밤은 노래한다』, 산문집 『청춘의 문장들』 『여행할 권리』 등이 있다.


Kim Yeon-su is a poet and novelist who has also been active as a translator and music critic. Kim’s literary world is shaped by his study of humanities and at the same time owes much to the Spanish writer, Jorge Luis Borges, whose influence is paramount in his first collection of short stories. However, Kim, like all writers of merit, did not content himself with a place in the shadow of a literary great. Kim’s works were met with a critical reception worthy of a masterpiece at the very pinnacle of humanistic imagination. Kim has received 1994 Writer’s World Prize for Literature, 2001 Dongseo Literature Award and 2003 Dong-in Literature Prize.

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